The best teacher in this world is information. And the best student is someone can take that at least of the most part. So, don't spent your time for useless or anything, because world never going back to past time. Hold the world into your hand with your abilities. Keep Spirit. Salam UNIKERS.

Helm Itu Penting Ga Sih ?

Hy agan - agan semuanya. Kali ini kita akan ngereview tentang hal sepele namun sangatlah penting bagi kehidupan. Terutama bagi anda yang suka atau gemar berkendara memakai motor.

>>>>>>>>>    HELM  <<<<<<<<<<

Pasti semua orang sudah mengetahui apa sih fungsi helm itu. Jawaban paling sederhananya adalah melindungi kepala kita dari benturan ataupun hal yang berbahaya yang bisa mengancam keselamatan kita. Juga adalagi jawaban gokil dari temen ane, katanya sih mau dipake buat ngambilin jambu tetangga. Gw pikir itu juga ada benernya sih. Tapi juga rada sedeng banget ya dia. Hahahhaa :D

Fungsi dasar daripada helm memang untuk keselamatan diri kita, dari marabahaya, sengatan panas matahari, ataupun debu yang beterbangan yang mengancam keselamatan rambut kita. LHOOO !!! malah rambut yang dibahas. Hahahha.

Gw ngeliat kalo orang - orang sekarang pada jarang yang make helm, padahal itu penting banget loh. Kdag juga Gw berpikir kalo mereka kaga pake helm itu biar tampangnya yang ganteng ato geulis pisan itu ga ketutupan atau kehalang oleh apapun. OK lah, alasan yang bisa gw terima. Namun apa sih pentingnya itu ?

Memakai helm tapi selamat, atau ga pake helm tapi nyawa terancan pergi gitu aja ga pake pamitan. Pilih mana kalo agan ?

Sejarah helm ini gini nih agan - agan sekalian. 

Helm adalah turunan kata dari bahasa Belanda : Helm. Pada awalnya helm digunakan sebagai bagian dari baju zirah Peradaban Yunani kuno, Romawi klasik, sepanjang zaman pertengahan, sampai akhir abad 17 menyaksikan penggunaan helm secara luas di sepanjang Eropa sampai Jepang. Bisa dikatakan tidak ada penggunaan lain helm selain keperluan perang. Helm melindungi kepala dari tebasan senjata lawan, datangnya panah, atau bahkan peluru berkecepatan rendah (dari senapan awal seperti arquebus). Penggunaan helm menurun sejak 1670 ketika efisiensi dan kecepatan peluru senapan meningkat pesat. Pada abad 18 sama sekali tak ada infantri yang menggunakannya lagi.

Era Napoleon menjadi pengukuhan penggunaan helm bagi prajurit kavaleri. Penggunaan artileri berat di Perang Dunia I menunjukkan perlunya menggunakan helm bagi prajurit biasa untuk mengurangi korban karena serpihan bom atau schrapnel. Pada Perang Dunia kedua dan saat inipun demi keperluan yang sama helm masih menjadi perlengkapan standar bagi prajurit.

 Ini adalah beberapa penampakan helm gan, yang aneh - aneh bentuknya.

Anak Indigo Juga Manusia

Anak indigo atau anak nila (Bahasa Inggris: Indigo Children) adalah anak yang memiliki konsep dari Zaman Baru yang memiliki karakteristik berbeda dari anak-anak seusianya. Anak ini memiliki sifat yang unik untuk membedakan generasinya dengan generasi sebelumnya.

Istilah indigo, ini menunjukkan warna aura tubuh yang didominasi oleh warna nila didalam warna kehidupan mereka. Indigo sendiri juga terkait dengan indra keenam yang terletak pada cakra kening merupakan mata ketiga yang berpusat ditengah kepala, menggambarkan intuisi dan kekuatan batin yang luar biasa tajam yang melebihi kemampuan orang kebanyakan. Kebanyakan dari mereka memiliki kelebihan dengan bakat yang luar biasa atau secara akademik mempunyai prestasi. Anak indigo juga mampu menunjukkan empati yang sangat dalam dan mudah merasa iba serta tampak bijaksana untuk anak seusianya.

Anak indigo yang lahir di dunia ini masing-masing mempunyai misi. Kebanyakan dari mereka merupakan pengkritik suatu rencana yang salah. Mereka bertugas meluruskan ketidakbenaran dan ketidaksamaan yang ada di sekelilingnya. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan perilaku mereka yang tidak patuh dan kesulitan dalam menjalankan sistem yang ada, misalnya saja penolakan dan sikap kaku terhadap sistem pendidikan yang ada.

Anak indigo juga sering menunjukkan perilaku memberontak terhadap suatu pemerintahan, tidak patuh terhadap aturan atau adat, kesulitan dalam mengelola emosinya dan sangat peka. Tidak jarang pula anak menunjukkan sikap yang sangat dingin dan tidak mempunyai perasaan. Terkadang beberapa orang akan mencap anak dengan indikasi gangguan ADD (attention deficit disorder). Bentuk perilaku tersebut kadang-kadang menyebabkan kesulitan bagi anak-anak ini dalam melewati masa anak-anak, bahkan dalam melewati masa remaja (Chapman. 2006).

Menjadi indigo tidaklah mudah, tapi hal itu merupakan suatu tugas yang harus dijalankan. Anak indigo merupakan salah satu orang yang hadir dan membawa hal yang baru terhadap suatu kemajuan hidup manusia di bumi ini.


Berikut ini merupakan ciri-ciri anak indigo:
  1. Memiliki sesuatu keinginan yang kuat.
  2. Berdedikasi dengan melakukan apa yang ada di pikirannya daripada mematuhi kehendak orang tua.
  3. Bijaksana dan mempunyai tahap kesadaran juga mempunyai kebersamaan yang melebihi pengalamannya.
  4. Secara emosi, mereka dapat dengan mudahnya bereaksi sehingga tidak jarang mereka memiliki permasalahan dengan kecemasan, depresi atau bahkan stress.
  5. Kreatif dalam berpikir dengan menggunakan otak kanan namun tetap harus berusaha belajar dengan menggunakan otak kiri terutama pada sistem di sekolah.
  6. Sering didiagnosis mengalami ADD ataupun ADHD saat mereka menunjukkan perilaku impulsive (otak memproses informasi lebih cepat) dan mereka selalu bergerak agar lebih fokus.
  7. Anak indigo sangatlah peka dan dapat melihat, mendengar atau mengetahui sesuatu hal yang tidak dimiliki orang-orang kebanyakan.
  8. Mempunyai gaya belajar secara visual dan kinestetik, mereka mampu mengingat dengan baik apa yang terekam dalam otaknya.
  9. Apabila keinginannya tidak terpenuhi, maka mereka akan merasa kesulitan dan menjadi self centered, walaupun hal ini bukanlah sifat sebenarnya.
  10. Mempunyai potensi dan bakat yang luar biasa, namun dapat hilang begitu saja jika tidak dijaga dan dirawat dengan baik.
Dalam menangani anak indigo ini yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahawa mereka memiliki kesulitan dalam mengendalikan emosinya. Pada beberapa anak, hal ini disebabkan karena permasalahan kecemasan, kemungkinan perilaku obsesif, kompulsif, atau kepanikan yang berlebih (panic attack). Penyebab lain muncul karena mereka berusaha keras untuk belajar dan memahami dengan caranya sendiri yang masih tradisional ataupun kebiasaan rutin. Sehingga tidak jarang bagi mereka akan memiliki perasaan harga diri yang rendah. Terkadang beberapa anak indigo menunjukkan reaksi kemarahan, depresi.

Anak indigo memiliki getaran tenaga yang tinggi dengan pola yang menetap, yang kemudian ditunjukkan dengan aura warna indigo pada tubuhnya. Getaran tinggi ini mencipta perbedaan terhadap fungsi tubuh dan otak pada anak indigo. Kebanyakan dari mereka berpikir dengan menggunakan otak kanan. Saat stress anak kemudian mengembangkan pengaturan dalam otak kiri dan kanan, mereka dapat menimbulkan reaksi emosional yang berlebih. Ada pula anak yang menunjukkan kemarahan, kesedihan, atau ketakutan yang mendalam bahkan kecemasan yang berlebih.

Memahami keadaan tenaga, dan diperlukan mengamati keadaan tenaga pada saat anak indigo sedang tidak stabil sangatlah penting, pada saat seperti ini membutuhkan orang tuanya atau terapi. Diperlukan adanya pemahaman dasar mengenai tenaga. Hal lain yang tidak kalah penting yaitu dengan mengajar anak indigo dan orang tuanya terhadap teknik dalam menyeimbangkan fikiran dan cara untuk mengurangi stress pada anak, sehingga anak tidak terpengaruh pada tenaga yang negatif. (Dikutip dari admin, "Pengertian Tentang Anak Indigo dan Karakteristiknya." Majalah Celoteh, 15th Nov 2009.)

Anak indigo adalah anak yang menunjukkan seperangkat atribut psikologis baru dan luar biasa, serta menunjukkan sebuah pola perilaku yang pada umumnya tidak didokumentasikan sebelumnya. Pola ini memiliki faktor-faktor unik yang umum, yang mengisyaratkan agar orang-orang yang berinteraksi dengan mereka (para orang tua, khususnya) mengubah perlakuan dan pengasuhan terhadap mereka guna mencapai keseimbangan. Mengabaikan pola-pola baru ini akan kemungkinan besar berarti menciptakan ketidakseimbangan dan frustasi dalam benak anak indigo, dari pola kehidupan baru yang berharga ini.

Banyak anak-anak sekarang yang terkategorikan sebagai Anak Indigo, juga disebut ? Children of the Sun? oleh para ahli dari Amerika. Atau disebut juga sebagai ? Millennium Children ?. Para ahli mengatakan lebih dari 90% (di lain buku menyebutkan lebih dari 80 %) dari anak-anak di bawah 12 tahun, dan beberapa mengatakan walau dalam persentase yang tidak besar terdapat Indigo dewasa. Anak-anak ini teridentifikasi melalui adanya karakteristik yang unik.

Mereka cerdas dan kreatif, namun bersifat sulit diatur pada kekuasaan dan sistem secara umum. Mereka sering disalah diagnosa sebagai ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder atau Gangguan Kekurangan Perhatian) atau ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder atau Gangguan Hiperaktif Kekurangan Perhatian) yang membutuhkan terapi untuk mengatasi sifatnya.

Secara fisik dan emosional mereka sangat sensitif. Mereka juga sangat perhatian dan empati terhadap orang lain, namun ada juga yang menjadi terlihat tidak berperasaan. Anak Indigo dapat mudah marah dan kasar, mereka membutuhkan keyakinan bahwa dirinya diterima dan memerlukan konseling. Indigo juga mempunyai rasa depresi di usia muda jika mereka merasa tidak mengapa mereka dilahirkan atau merasa tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa untuk memperbaiki dunia.


Karakteristik Anak Indigo :
  1. Mempunyai kesadaran diri yg tinggi, terhubung dengan Sang Sumber (Tuhan).
  2. Mengerti jika dirinya layak untuk berada di dunia.
  3. Mempunyai pengertian yang jelas akan dirinya.
  4. Tidak menyukai kedisiplinan dan cara-cara yang otoriter tanpa alasan yang jelas.
  5. Sering menolak mengikuti aturan atau petunjuk.
  6. Tidak sabaran dan tidak suka bila harus menunggu.
  7. Tidak menyukai sistem yang sifatnya statis dan tidak kreatif.
  8. Mereka punya cara yg lebih baik dalam menyelesaikan masalah.
  9. Tidak bisa menerima hukuman yang tanpa alasan, selalu ingin alasan yang jelas.
  10. Cepat bosan dengan tugas yang diberikan.
  11. Cenderung Kreatif.
  12. Mudah teralihkan perhatiannya, tetapi juga mampu mengerjakan banyak hal bersamaan.
  13. Menunjukan intuisi yang kuat.
  14. Punya empati yang kuat terhadap sesama, atau tidak punya empati sama sekali.
  15. Sangat berbakat, rata-rata sangat cerdas dan pintar.
  16. Saat kecil sering diidentifikasi menderita ADD / ADHD (Atenttion Defisit Disorder atau susah konsentrasi) / ADHD (Attention Defisit and Hyperactive Disorder atau hiperaktif).
  17. Mempunyai visi dan misi yang kuat.
  18. Pandangan mata mereka terlihat bijaksana dan mendalam.
  19. Mempunyai kesadaran spiritual atau mempunyai kemampuan psikis.
  20. Mengekspresikan kemarahan dan mempunyai masalah dengan menahan amarah.
  21. Membutuhkan dukungan untuk menemukan diri mereka.
  22. Berada di dunia untuk merubah dunia, untuk membantu kita hidup dalam keharmonisan dan damai.
  23. Dapat meningkatkan getaran planet.
Karakteristik Indigo Dewasa :
  1. Mereka pintar walaupun tidak selalu berada di tingkatan paling atas.
  2. Kreatif dan sangat senang menciptakan sesuatu.
  3. Selalu ingin tahu kenapa, khususnya jika mereka tertarik sesuatu.
  4. Tidak suka akan pekerjaan berulang-ulang di sekolah.
  5. Sering memberontak di sekolah, menolak mengerjakan tugas dan lain-lain, atau ingin memberontak tapi tidak berani karena ada tekanan dari orang tua, guru, dan teman.
  6. Punya masalah untuk adaptasi keberadaannya, seperti tidak diterima, atau terasing.
  7. Terkadang punya perasaan ingin bunuh diri, tapi tidak benar-benar melakukannya.
  8. Punya masalah dengan amarah.
  9. Tidak nyaman dengan politik karena merasa suara mereka tidak dihitung, dan tidak peduli dengan hasil yang keluar.
  10. Tidak terima bila hak-hak mereka diambil atau diinjak-injak.
  11. Punya keinginan yang kuat untuk merubah dunia, tapi kesulitan menemukan jalurnya.
  12. Mempunyai ketertarikan akan hal spiritual dan kemampuan psikis saat usia muda.
  13. Punya beberapa “Role-Model” Indigo.
  14. Punya intuisi yang kuat.
  15. Punya sifat atau jalan pikir yang tidak biasa, meloncat-loncat di tengah pembicaraan.
  16. Mengalami pengalaman spiritual, psikis dan lain-lain.
  17. Sensitif terhadap gelombang elektromagnetik.
  18. Mempunyai kesadaran akan dimensi lain.
  19. Secara seksual sangat ekspresif atau malah menolak seksualitas aga bisa mencapai kesadaran spiritual yang lebih tinggi.
  20. Mencari arti hidup mereka dan mengerti tentang dunia, mereka bisa mencarinya dengan melalui agama, buku dan lain-lain.
  21. Waktu mereka merasa diri mereka seimbang, mereka akan menjadi kuat, sehat, dan individu yang bahagia.


Istilah "anak indigo" pertama kali dikemukakan oleh Nancy Ann Tappe, seorang cenayang pada sekitar tahun 1970-an. Nancy Ann mengaku memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat aura seseorang dan ketika itu ia melihat anak-anak dengan aura indigo yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. Singkatnya, anak-anak indigo memiliki karakteristik yang sama. Mereka mempunyai empati yang tinggi dan umumnya memiliki perilaku yang tidak lazim untuk anak seusianya.

Para pengikut New Age menganggap bahwa keberadaan anak indigo merupakan sebagai jawaban untuk memperbaiki dunia. Namun sebaliknya, banyak juga orang yang beranggapan bahwa anak-anak dengan karakteristik seperti itu adalah penderita kelainan perilaku yang sering diindentifikasi sebagai hiperaktif, tetapi anak seperti itu memiliki sifat yang budiman.

Dikutip dari : wikipedia

How to Maintain Healthy Hair

In order for the hair and scalp hygiene maintained, at least try to clean the child's hair every other day. Instead, activities for children do not wash your hair too long. One or two minutes was enough. After that, rinse until clean. Hair hygiene can help to accelerate blood circulation to the scalp. The hair is clean also helps reduce stress and help the metabolic network in order to keep growing and developing normally. Lice were not given a chance to live. Fragrant hair, clean, and fresh.

Whereas in infants, shampooing can be done one or two times a week. Remember, the baby's hair is not too dirty, but do not spend a lot of sweat. Baby's hair is not as dense hair of adults. Once a week clean the scalp using baby oil and shampoo immediately.

Causes and Tips to Prevent Premature Aging

Skin has a function to protect the body from various kinds of interference and outside stimuli. The function of this protection occurs through a number of biological mechanisms, such as the formation of a layer of horn continuously (keratinization and the release of the epidermis cells are already dead), respiration and body temperature regulation, the production of sebum or skin ointment and sweat as well as the formation of melanin pigment to protect the skin from the dangers of ultra violet rays of the sun. Sebum is the oil content that moisturizes and protects skin against pollution. Sebum or skin ointment ointment is formed by the gland. Insolvent glands located on top of the skin adjacent to the bladder hair hides consist of small bubbles which empties into the bladder hairs (follicles). Removing hair follicles which lubricate the skin and fat to maintain hair softness.

How to Wear Contact Lenses Correctly

Most people who wear contact lenses say that they know about how to wear and care for contact lenses. But the new study results show that many people do not know how to use the correct contact lenses. More than 80 percent of surveyed contact lens wearers before eye examinations to believe that they have followed the way of good lenses. But only 2 percent actually meet care measures contact lens that has been recommended. Less than 1 percent were found to follow fully the recommendations such as washing hands before wearing contact lenses, contact lenses using a special liquid, and replace contact lenses according to instructions.

Recognize Early Symptoms of Sinusitis "Sinusitis can occur because of infection by bacteria and viruses that exist in the air."

In the midst of living with a variety of delicious ease of access and facilities, urban communities susceptible to respiratory problems due to poor air quality. It should not be underestimated because of respiratory distress is a unity, both channels heat up or down.For example, asthma can make the infected sinus cavity, or vice versa. The whole picture shows severe asthmatics abnormal sinus organ. While mild and moderate asthmatics showed, 77 percent of them experienced a sinus infection or sinusitis.Conditions that may be more severe when an allergic person's talent emerging factors, especially against the dirty air.

Adjust your diet to stay fit

The human body needs food every day. If someone is eating properly, would be beneficial for the body; if someone does not eat properly, will cause the disease.The human body has a Yin and Yang. Likewise, there is Yin and Yang foods, and foods have five elements namely sour, bitter, sweet, spicy, and salty. Food affects the body's yin and yang and the five elements.Food should meet the needs of the body's Yin and Yang and the five elements. Dietary methods to stay fit emphasizes the following four points: the right foods, foods that are balanced, balancing Yin and Yang, and balance the five flavors.
Appropriate food


Genuine leather bags, especially those made ​​from reptile skins like snakes, monitor lizards and crocodiles, are usually sold at expensive prices. But you need to be careful, because the expensive price is not necessarily legal.Leather bag that is legal that has the logo "CITES" on the back of brand handbags. CITES (The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments. The goal is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.With these certifications mean bag manufacturer has received official permission from the government to produce bag from genuine leather. The use of leather is considered not to break the rules of the raw materials that are environmentally friendly, with respect to reptiles (or other animal) whose skin is used for raw materials such purse. Not all entrepreneurs have leather handbags official permission from the government.

How to Maintain Healthy Hair

In order for the hair and scalp hygiene maintained, at least try to clean the child's hair every other day. Instead, activities for children do not wash your hair too long. One or two minutes was enough. After that, rinse until clean. Hair hygiene can help to accelerate blood circulation to the scalp. The hair is clean also helps reduce stress and help the metabolic network in order to keep growing and developing normally. Lice were not given a chance to live. Fragrant hair, clean, and fresh.

Whereas in infants, shampooing can be done one or two times a week. Remember, the baby's hair is not too dirty, but do not spend a lot of sweat. Baby's hair is not as dense hair of adults. Once a week clean the scalp using baby oil and shampoo immediately.

It is recommended to buy a good quality shampoo that can remove the oil, the head scales, and make your child's hair became more limp, easily combed, and not easily tangled. There are many choices of shampoo for children. As for the baby, choose the active ingredients do not irritate the eyes and do not trigger allergies.

Use a loose-toothed comb or brush hair that is not sharp. Sisiri child's hair gently. If not, one-one way your child's hair is damaged and even fall out. Make this hair combing ceremony as a platform to show affection and to attach.

Hair health is closely related to the selection of the right comb. Comb the less good will easily cause hair damage or loss. Avoid buying nylon combs because the risk of causing brittle hair. Although it looks stylish, made from metal combs can also damage the hair. Do not forget, clean the brush from the rest of the hair that got stuck. Wash with warm water until clean. For babies, always use a soft baby brush.

Cut hair regularly. In addition to keeping up appearances, short hair is also easier for parents to keep the hair clean. Cutting the hair is also useful to the ends of hair to remain healthy, not branched, brittle, or dry. Even for infants, parents can denude the child within a certain time. In addition to the baby's scalp hair and easy to clean, new hair will grow more dense and black.

Healthy hair requires a good nutritional intake. Lack of intake of protein and vitamins can make hair fall out, dullness, redness, dandruff, and eventually fall out. Remember, vitamins and nutrients play a role in supporting the strength and health of hair. Vitamin B complex, for example, if the intake is less able to cause dull hair, dandruff is also flourishing. While vitamin C can maintain the strength of the hair roots. Remember the roots of the hair plays a role in overall hair health. Through akarlah, all nutrients are absorbed and distributed to the hair. Lack of iron is also the risk of hair loss. Sulfur substances also play a role in giving luster to the hair. The content of these nutrients can be found in fish, eggs, and others. While fat plays a role in maintaining hair strength, in addition to hair luster.

For infants, it is advisable to consume breast milk exclusively. This is because breast milk is rich nutrient content, can not be matched by formula or other nutrients.

Exercise is good for health. However, the activity is also potentially damage the hair. If the child's long hair, tie and flops over. Ensure that hair does not hinder movement and sight of children. The use of a headband or a headband can also be a solution. In addition to more stylish look, the hair of children was more awake. When using a headdress or bandanna, choose one that quickly absorbs sweat so it does not accumulate on the scalp. Remember, sweat dry deposition can damage the hair roots.

Sun can damage the hair. That is why, when traveling in the hot sun, try wearing a hat or umbrella. Keep your hair protected from the sun.

When swimming, wear a hair cover after wetting the hair entirely. Done swimming to remove chlorine wash hair that sticks to the hair. If possible wear without a rinse conditioner before you get into the pool.

Drying with a towel may be the cause of hair damage. Rubbing the wet hair with a towel to make strands of hair matted and easily entangled in the threads in the towel, so that interested and easily broken, damaged the cuticle, and hair split ends. So, just pat wet hair with a towel, and then sorted according to the direction of hair growth. Indeed, this is rather time consuming, but worthwhile for the child's hair.

Exporting Mode of Harajuku

Japan has inspired lifestyles through electronic products they produce: the walkman to the car. They also inspired the fashion world since the 1970's when Hanae Mori, Kenzo Takada, Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawabuko, to mention a few names, leave their country and settled in Paris.Fascination with the world in Japan has not gone so far. Kimono repeatedly a source of inspiration, and geisha and their makeup is unique, up to the world of animation (anime) and comics (manga), which not only inspired the style of dress, but also makeup and hair. When Spirited Away won the Oscar award, the name of Hayao Miyazaki's anime gained recognition as the maker of the world. And this suggests that Japanese anime can be accepted outside his own country.

When the designers that make an impact on the world through design is thick with the aesthetics of their home country, Hanae Mori, for example, using a kimono as a basis for developing a Western-style evening dress or artist Takashi Murakami sculpture and print using the motif of cherry blossoms on a Louis Vuitton bag in Japan also have young children who are very fashion conscious.They do not just want to be a follower, but create their own style. Young people as they actually exist in any place, to those who dare to step outside the mainstream. However, in Japan, where people are very obedient to the rules of communal, the option to have their own style must be taken with a strong awareness to be yourself.

"Supermarket of Style"

The place is often referred to as a place where young people congregate is the Harajuku district in Tokyo. In that area there is a long road that is very popular, Omotesando. Here lies the stores branded fashion goods, such as Gucci, Zara, and children's toy store in Japan's most famous, Kiddieland.Because it became very famous Omotesando where young children congregate and express themselves on a Sunday when the road was closed to vehicles. Along the road we could see groups of young people in their group makeup. There is a stylish gothic, punk, biker, and so on.Harajuku area is so well known that Gwen Stefani Harajuku Girls put the song in his first solo album, Love, Angel, Music, Baby. Stefani uses four dancers dressed in her video clip in hopes of representing her Harajuku street style.

One style of dress which, according to Ted Polhemus, an analyst with the style of dress and lifestyle of the streets, from young Japanese who affect the world is what is called the Supermarket of Style.This style emerged from Japan in the early 1990s in which the street from the Western style of dress and at least 50 subcultures West for 50 years has become an obsession and source of their inspiration.

The obsession with Western-style street subcultures, it also appears in Omotesando on a Sunday sektiar 10 years ago. By bringing a tape recorder, a group of young people to play the songs from Saturday Night Fever and they dance in pairs on the road which was closed to commercial vehicles. They dress up in fashion in the 1950s with the dress along the middle calf combined skirt and cardigan kloknya widened, in red and white.In another corner, a group of young women dyed their hair in different colors and dominant black eye makeup, while their bodies are also wrapped a black dress with black boots.

And when now there are young children in Bandung and perhaps also some other cities imitate their counterparts in Japan with a cosplay-a combination of English words costume and play, how to dress in there originally followed the anime figures, manga, video games , the band, and the latter means more people taking temporary costumes-obsessed young people in Western subcultures, this further confirms the world no longer know the limits. Only, if we will continue to be imitators?

Harajuku Style ala Indonesian People

At least from the city where I live alone, in Bandung, the influence of the spread of Japanese pop culture is increasingly rampant. Almost every high school in Bandung that time certainly had an extra-curricular organizations whose activities do things smell the Japanese. Ordinary members gathered at their respective places or create a community to channel their hobbies. This also seems further supported by a variety of hobby events their implementation. For those who like anime idol show portrayed them, usually they actively participate in any cosplay contest held in shopping malls or schools. For those who like to draw manga, the arena is ready also for channeling their talent.

One more part of pop culture imported from the land of the samurai who crowded popular young people in Indonesia now is Harajuku Style. It is said that the Harajuku style permissiveness has been widely adopted as our youth, as part of the business selling ngobral look and sensation. Harajuku Style in the eyes of teenage boys Indonesia style of dress sense is a strange, eccentric, and all-round ngejreng. When in fact Harajuku is a popular designation for the area around the JR Harajuku, Shibuya District, Tokyo. This area is famous as the place of young people congregate. The location covers about Meiji Jingu, Yoyogi Park, shopping centers Takeshita Street (Takeshita-dori), department store Laforet, and the Yoyogi National Gymnasium. Harajuku is not an official designation for the name of the place, and not dicantumin in the address book.

Had it occurred to me, yes that is actually what makes them that mention things like that to be named Harajuku Style? I guess this might be closely related to the activities of teenagers who like to do in Japan in the Harajuku area. Sure, if we take a stroll and see the activities of young children in front of Japan's Meiji Shrine-jinggu, not far from Harajuku Station, where we could see the Harajuku girls who dressed them funny. Apparently this news might be spread through the ground water that may be disseminated through the media or perhaps also through the stories of Indonesia who has lived in Japan and then back to Indonesia. Harajuku reputedly became popular after the print media such as magazines covered Anan and non-no at the time of opening of large-scale department store in the 1970's. Was preceded by eccentric fashion style clothing in both the magazine. Many young Japanese are fond of the streets of Harajuku, njiplak patterns of clothing in the magazine.

However, beneath it all, there are some things that I noticed was still there is a difference also between a growing Harajuku Style Harajuku style in Japan with the usual teenage practiced Indonesia. When in Indonesia, it seems they are not as brave as Japanese teenagers to express themselves through her Harajuku Style it. Why do I say so? Because in fact if I look at the style of Harajuku Style the original Japanese version it really was not put forward again dressed moral ethics.

Harajuku style Japanese version not just a hair cut so not uniform and wearing body armor that gokil abis. But apparently there is some way the flow of clothing. Call it gothic lolita are mostly worn by girls in Japan, with a pattern of elegant fashion, gothic, feminine, and makes the wearer like a Victorian doll motif. In addition, there are Japanese-style punks, inspired by the punk movement in the early 70's. Cosplay, making ourselves and our clothes as closely as possible ama anime character or game characters, like Naruto or Bakabon. Decora, with characteristic bright colors, flamboyant, and quirky. Kawaii, which means funny or cute. Of course, the clothing worn must also funny and cute. Perhaps the time yes Pokemon costume dress ... hehe. And wamono, which is a combination of Japanese clothing with western. Yes gampangannya kimono so ama jeans.

Meanwhile, if her Harajuku Style Indonesian people usually they are still limited to the expression of hair styles and makeup that is not too flashy (although if it's already ketebak harajuku style mediocre version). They had dared to dress Harajuku style when there are actual events or matsuri festival-style cosplay Indonesia wrote. Meanwhile, if in their daily life, I believe any man sefanatik diusungnya style, still he would not dare to express seheboh Japanese teens in front of Meiji Shrine-jinggu deket Harajuku station. In this regard, one day I had idly asked a friend in Indonesia who like to really follow Japanese pop-culture festival. At that time I asked, "dare not appear dressed like this in everyday life?" Then he replied, "yes, no lah ...". I asked again, "the reason why?" Turns out he replied, "dong shame ...." Lha .... nice is if still got embarrassed. Well, from here we can get the conclusion, when in fact they still have to collide with the general population norm rule fortress Indonesia who still think it was weird. Different again if maybe they were ready to be called a lunatic or a thug because pake makeup range so, hehe ....

Ah ... turns out not all the cultural influences that can bring positive things. Initially I thought the holding of events in Indonesia's degree Japanese culture is a positive thing. Because the reason from there we can know each other cultures of each country. Besides it can also help us learn many useful things. For example, with follow-race Japanese speech contest, it means indirectly we hone and test the ability of our foreign language acquisition. Not all effects of acculturation could be harmful origin can still be placed in the proper place and not excessive. But if you've offended the ethical, moral, and more religious, wow .... 'd better think again before doing.

Attractive With Shoes Wedges

In a fashion show, not just the clothes that become the focus of the observer of fashion, but also complementary objects, one shoe. In a fashion show recently held, extra thick-soled shoes or so-called wedges complements most fashion designers featured our homeland, as Stephanus Hamy, Carmanita, Oscar Oktavianto Lawalata and shocking.

Now, look wedges more diverse, in accordance with the development of current fashion trends. As wedges are coupled with Peep Toes (shoes with holes in the front), ropes, ankle strap until a memorable full-color pop-culture.

Pair with leggings or pants wedges intersect shrink down, knee-length A-line skirt or bermuda shorts. You can also perform well with a matching bag with wedges, like if you wear wedges with woven accents, you can customize it with a bag that is also made of webbing. The color of shoe soles can also harmonize with the color of your clothes, and be prepared to appear more attractive, expressive and many more.

Shoes may be we will instantly remembered as one of a complementary tool at a time when we are work on projects that the School, Work, Travel, sport, mountain climbing and other sebagianya. But perhaps the shoe models that we know the standard model of shoe that supposedly includes the most recent generation of shoes from shoe developments in the past. Historians estimate the first shoes made ​​in the ice age, or five million years ago and is made from animal skins. Primitive shoe ever found in large numbers in rural Missouri, United States and thought to date from 8000 BCE (BC). Until now the shoe designers continue to develop models of shoes that are beautiful and comfortable to use and works in various events.

Today we will discuss the trends seepatu wedges today and conveniently used in various events, in addition to the model is beautiful, unique and sturdy and elegant, these shoes the model is also not easy to make tired and have a 80% level of comfort at the foot of the user as a unified model of rights and make balance over body can sustain the weight of the user. If you use a shoe wedges, do not be afraid of walking look strange because the right is too high that we usually encounter in women users high-heeled shoes or high heels models are less comfortable.