Genuine leather bags, especially
those made from reptile skins like snakes, monitor lizards and crocodiles,
are usually sold at expensive prices. But you need to be careful, because the
expensive price is not necessarily legal.Leather bag that is legal that has the
logo "CITES" on the back of brand handbags. CITES (The Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international
agreement between governments. The goal is to ensure that international trade
in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.With
these certifications mean bag manufacturer has received official permission
from the government to produce bag from genuine leather. The use of leather is
considered not to break the rules of the raw materials that are environmentally
friendly, with respect to reptiles (or other animal) whose skin is used for raw
materials such purse. Not all entrepreneurs have leather handbags official
permission from the government.
Therefore, the least knowledge of the legal manufacture of bags you can make the handle to select a quality leather bag. In addition to checking the CITES certification, you also can choose a leather bag from its aroma."If the leather bag smells fishy, it is definitely less than perfect penyamakannya process. That means less quality products," said Anto Suroto, owner of Exotic Scano Indonesia, one of the local leather manufacturers that use a lot of reptile skin as a raw material.Leather bag made of reptile skin also needs to be treated to make it more durable. Anto gives a few tips on caring for leather bags:
Therefore, the least knowledge of the legal manufacture of bags you can make the handle to select a quality leather bag. In addition to checking the CITES certification, you also can choose a leather bag from its aroma."If the leather bag smells fishy, it is definitely less than perfect penyamakannya process. That means less quality products," said Anto Suroto, owner of Exotic Scano Indonesia, one of the local leather manufacturers that use a lot of reptile skin as a raw material.Leather bag made of reptile skin also needs to be treated to make it more durable. Anto gives a few tips on caring for leather bags:
The first thing you should do is
save in the flannel bag or plastic. This is to keep the color and material of
the bags that are not easily damaged. For bags made from hard, you should
always be stored into the the box.Second, when not in use, fill the bag with
paper bag fillers so you do not change shape. Better not use newspaper because
it will melunturi color bag. Use parchment paper or plastic instead.Tips third,
if your bags have details or accessories such as crystals or stones, should be
wrapped with bubble wrap (plastic with bubbles) before input into the box. This
is so the accessories are protected from impact or pressure of other objects.
Fourth, you have to do when your bag is stained, clean with a dry cloth so the stain does not absorb the materialthe bag. If the stain is difficult to lose, do not try to experiment. Immediately brought to the bag that has been a professional repairman.Tip five is to not waste the usual silica gel you get when purchasing a handbag.Silica gel bags to keep moisture and not easy to mold. Always store silica gel in your bag.Sixth, remove the bag periodically to get fresh air to avoid mildew and musty odors. Take out at least once a week and winds. Keep a bag of exposure to direct sunlight or light colors so that no faded.
Fourth, you have to do when your bag is stained, clean with a dry cloth so the stain does not absorb the materialthe bag. If the stain is difficult to lose, do not try to experiment. Immediately brought to the bag that has been a professional repairman.Tip five is to not waste the usual silica gel you get when purchasing a handbag.Silica gel bags to keep moisture and not easy to mold. Always store silica gel in your bag.Sixth, remove the bag periodically to get fresh air to avoid mildew and musty odors. Take out at least once a week and winds. Keep a bag of exposure to direct sunlight or light colors so that no faded.
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