The best teacher in this world is information. And the best student is someone can take that at least of the most part. So, don't spent your time for useless or anything, because world never going back to past time. Hold the world into your hand with your abilities. Keep Spirit. Salam UNIKERS.

Causes and Tips to Prevent Premature Aging

Skin has a function to protect the body from various kinds of interference and outside stimuli. The function of this protection occurs through a number of biological mechanisms, such as the formation of a layer of horn continuously (keratinization and the release of the epidermis cells are already dead), respiration and body temperature regulation, the production of sebum or skin ointment and sweat as well as the formation of melanin pigment to protect the skin from the dangers of ultra violet rays of the sun. Sebum is the oil content that moisturizes and protects skin against pollution. Sebum or skin ointment ointment is formed by the gland. Insolvent glands located on top of the skin adjacent to the bladder hair hides consist of small bubbles which empties into the bladder hairs (follicles). Removing hair follicles which lubricate the skin and fat to maintain hair softness.

Sebum serves as a defense against the main enemy of female beauty that is aging. Premature aging of the skin often occurs in the dry type, because the levels of sebum in the skin is slightly dry. Usually the condition is characterized by premature aging skin look tired, dry, scaly, rough and accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles and dark stains or spots.

Two Causes Early Aging
Premature aging is caused by two factors: first the internal factors, such as heredity, health and durability, and psychosis. The internal factor is a natural process that can not be avoided every human being. It can also be triggered by stress and hormonal changes, and these factors can be reduced only the effect, by way of proper skin care, routine and soft, reduce stress and try to live at ease.

The cause of the second is the external factors which include:

a.      Free Radicals
Molecule that is plaguing malignant cells of the body including the tissues kalogen. Some experts believe that free radicals are formed as the effects of environmental pollutants, sun exposure, use water mixed with chemicals, changes in weather and other factors that interfere with normal growth kalogen.

Prevention of free radicals can be done by adjusting the diet, a diet containing high protein and eating foods that contain lots of vitamins such as fruits and vegetables. With good nutrition, cell structure will be improved through the process of aging can be slowed.

b.  Sunlight
To avoid the ill effects of sunlight, avoid the sun while emitting ultra-violet light at the culminating point (between the hours of 10:00 to 15:00) and always wear sunscreen on your face and any exposed body parts out of the room.

c.       Air Humidity.
High humidity and unstable like in this tropical nature, be a cause of premature aging, especially if the skin is not protected properly.

One way to protect the skin moist is to wear a moisturizer that can retain moisture in the skin. To protect the softness of the skin, use moisturizer on your face and body lotion according to skin type in the whole body especially those not protected by clothing. A good moisturizer to moisturize dry skin and normal skin, choose a moisturizer that contains ingredients as water-binding humectant that is alpha-hydroxy acids A-HA/Alpha-Hidroksi Acid).

Sun can cause skin problems, especially in those who like sunbathing or exposure to direct sunlight exposed continuously resulting in wrinkles and skin aging occur sooner. Sunlight is strongly suspected as the cause of skin cancer.

When forced to conduct activities under the sun, use a protective cap and apply a protective cream that contains Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 15

Here are some Tips to keep health and beauty skin (premature aging) :
1.      Always use a sunscreen / sun block / sun cream as early as possible with the SPF (Sun Protecting Factor) 15 which contains titanium dioxide and avobenzena to protect the skin from the sun that cause skin disorders, wrinkles and sagging skin
2.      Perform regular maintenance, including the use of scrubs or peels (to remove dead skin   
cells), improves blood circulation / lymph nodes in the skin with massage, nutrition, serum, gel or mask containing ingredients that moisturize the skin and serves as a antioxidants.
3.      Expand to consume vegetables and fruits fresh and colorful as a source of antioxidant nutrients to maintain the beauty of the skin. Avoid junk food or processed products.   
4.      Consuming products made from soy beans (tofu, tempeh, soy milk), dates and drinking tea from fennel seeds as a source of natural estrogen.
5.      Drinking water for at least 2.5 liters per day to maintain skin moisture and reduce the consumption of coffee and soft drinks.Drink at least 2 cups of green tea a day, because it contains antioxidants that more patents.
6.      Antioxidant supplements such as vitamin A (betakarotin), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B-complex and some minerals like zinc selenium.
7.      Do a sport that can move some muscles in the body such as brisk walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming at least 3 times a week. It can smooth the flow of blood / lymph nodes, so that the intake of nutrients and oxygen to the cells better and accelerate the formation of skin cells is new.

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